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bet365_在线体育投注 (关于bet365_在线体育投注 玩法)

发布时间:2022-11-22 23:05:07admin来源:欧洲杯



下面是WindowsPager的一些主要特点:1、为你的系统建立虚拟桌面,工作区 2、安排您的桌面上运行不同的应用,以改善 3、融入控制面板 4、可能的几种模式 5、64位支持 6、台式机之间通过拖动移动窗口或通过使用窗口菜单 7、更换桌面可选的键盘快捷方式 8、设置一个窗口“粘”:始终可见 9、小窗口”提供一个从每个桌面概述 10、支持“闪光-视窗”(例如通知米尔奇在新邮件) 11、保持高于其他所有的窗口中选择“保持在最前面的窗口”菜单 12、虚拟桌面之间的拖动13、双/多显示器支持 14、不需要管理员权利 15、免安装 16、安全:自动窗口甚至崩溃恢复使用两个独立的进程。


May, 2011:- fixed problem with api hooking- changed handling of the window right click menu- fixed problems with Move to menu with IE9 and firefox 4- set version to 1.02Apr, 25, 2011:- fixed reported crash during desktop change with hotkeys- no mini windows for sticky windows- adjust height for the all toolbars (quicklaunch etc), reported bug- check if running the right version of wp (32, 64bit)- changed detection of 64bit windows (os)- more info in the dump file names- 32/64 Bit info in the about dialog- set version to 1.01Mar, 16, 2011:- fixed bug if window menu is not visible after wp restart - after 3,5 years of development i finally made 1.00 releaseDevelopment of windowspager was started after i switched from Linux to Windows tolearn C++. Ater using Linux for years i missed a good pager.So making my own pager was good project to start using C++.I know a lot of feature are still missing but the time to work on this projectis limited and one man show. So... time for 3,5 beers tonight ;)- set version to 1.00


