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Linyi: Chains are interdependent,the chemical industry is seeking for transformation

发布时间:2022-11-10 16:56:32胥洁娴来源:

导读 In recent years, Linyi County has steadily promoted the "chain chief system" of the industrial chain by focusing...

In recent years, Linyi County has steadily promoted the"chain chief system"of the industrial chain by focusing on the policy, capital and other factors to favor chain owner enterprises, giving play to the role of leading enterprises in stabilizing the supply chain of the industrial chain, driving the development of upstream and downstream supporting enterprises to create a complete industrial chain. Linyi County now has formed a green chemical industry system dominated by petrochemical engineering, fine chemical engineering, pharmaceutical manufacturing and rubber products.

Linyi County has introduced the Three-year Action Plan for Green Chemical Industry in A Strong Industrial County to lead the transformation and upgrading of enterprises with high-end planning. Linyi County now has 45 green chemical industry projects under construction.

12 chemical enterprises have launched intelligent transformation. In addition, Linyi County has steadily promoted chemical enterprises to enter the park, which provides a sound infrastructure for enterprise development.

齐鲁网·闪电新闻11月10日讯 近年来,临邑县扎实推进产业链“链长制”,集中政策、资金等要素向链主企业倾斜,发挥龙头企业稳定产业链供应链“压舱石”的作用,带动上下游配套企业发展,打造完整产业链条。目前,全县已形成以石油化工、精细化工、医药制造和橡胶制品等为主的绿色化工产业体系。



闪电新闻记者 郑秀程 通讯员 栾雪 德州报道


